Press Release

Callbright to Attend NADA 2014, Show Dealers How to Go Mobile With Call Tracking

Houston, TX — December 19, 2013 — Callbright, a leader in total call management solutions, will be returning to NADA, which will be held January 24-27 in New Orleans. At the expo, representatives will show attendees how they can use Callbright's call management solutions to monitor their call tracking programs on the go.

Nick Odizor, national sales manager for Callbright, said: "With the mobile movement, phone calls are as important as ever. People call or submit a contact form when they're actually ready to purchase a car and they're looking for a response within minutes, so it's crucial for dealers to have the proper processes in place to handle those leads."

At NADA, Callbright will unveil a key component of its mobile lead management services: a new mobile app. From within the app, dealers will be able to view call reports and place outbound calls to prospects.

Callbright will also showcase how its Lead Chaser feature can help dealers reduce the likelihood of overlooking web leads by automatically generating an outbound call from every form submitted. Calls are assigned to predefined numbers associated with each form, and the feature has recently been updated with a round robin capability. If the first person on the rotation does not answer, the update allows the call to be routed to the next available salesperson.

"Another key component of a call tracking strategy is handling calls," Odizor continued. "Dealers spend marketing dollars to bring in the calls but often neglect to invest time and money in properly handling those calls."

He explained how Callbright's Call Rescue service, which employs professional call evaluation specialists, is designed to review a dealership's call recordings for missed opportunities. In the event that any call is handled by a dealership employee, management personnel receive an instant email alert so they can follow up on these calls.

Attendees interested in a Callbright demo can stop by booth #3644.

About Callbright

Callbright provides complete, real-time telephone communication management via web-based tools to help businesses optimize marketing investments and enhance customer relationships. Callbright clients can track advertising effectiveness through telephone responses, record and monitor inbound calls, track outbound calls and send broadcast messages. Additionally, training features provided through Callbright help establish accountability and improve the performance of personnel, leading to increased profitability. (